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Romance scams:

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What are Romance Scams?

Romance scams are a type of online fraud in which individuals, often operating under false identities, target individuals looking for love and companionship on dating websites, social media platforms, or even through email and messaging apps. These scammers typically create fake profiles that appear attractive and emotionally appealing, often using stolen photos and information to gain their victims’ trust. Once a connection is established, the scammer will manipulate their victim’s emotions, often pretending to be in a difficult situation or expressing deep affection. As the relationship progresses, the scammer may invent various reasons to request money from their victim, such as medical emergencies, travel expenses, or investments. Victims, who are often emotionally invested in the relationship, may send money without realizing they are being deceived. Romance scams can be financially devastating and emotionally distressing for those who fall victim to them, highlighting the importance of being cautious and verifying the identity of individuals met online.

Common types of Romance Scams

These are some common types of romance scams:

The "Classic" Romance Scam

The “classic” romance scam is a specific type of online fraud that follows a well-established pattern. In this scenario, a scammer typically creates a fake online dating profile, often using an attractive photo and a charming persona. They search for potential victims on dating websites, social media platforms, or even in online forums and chat rooms. Once they identify someone they believe is susceptible to their advances, they initiate contact and begin to build a romantic relationship.

The scammer invests time and effort into gaining their victim’s trust and affection. They engage in lengthy conversations, share personal stories, and use flattery to create a deep emotional connection. This phase can last for weeks or even months, with the scammer working diligently to build a sense of intimacy.

Eventually, the scammer will invent a crisis or emergency, such as a sudden illness, a financial setback, or a need to travel to meet the victim in person. They will then ask for money to help them resolve the issue. Because the victim is emotionally attached to the scammer, they may feel a strong urge to assist and send money without questioning the authenticity of the situation.

Unfortunately, once the money is sent, the scammer disappears, often blocking all contact with the victim. Victims are left not only heartbroken but also financially devastated. The “classic” romance scam is a well-honed scheme that preys on individuals seeking love and companionship, emphasizing the importance of caution and skepticism when forming relationships online. It’s essential for individuals to verify the identity of those they interact with online and to be vigilant for red flags such as requests for money from someone they’ve never met in person.

The "Pig Butchering" Scam

The “Pig Butchering” scam, a relatively recent deception scheme that first emerged in China in 2020, combines elements of both a romance scam and an investment scam. This fraudulent scheme follows a pattern reminiscent of the traditional romance scam described earlier. However, once the scammer has successfully pretended to be in a romantic relationship with their target and established an emotional connection, they will then request or advise their victim to invest in a fictitious or deceitful business opportunity.

Recent statistics reveal that, since the inception of this scam a few years ago, its primary victims have been well-educated women in their twenties and thirties. Shockingly, the average amount of money lost by victims to this scam has reached an alarming $98,000.

The "Military" Romance Scam

  • The “Military” Romance Scam is a deceptive tactic used by fraudsters to exploit the trust and emotions of individuals seeking romantic relationships online. In this scam, perpetrators often pose as members of the military, using fake profiles and stolen photographs to create a convincing facade. They reach out to potential victims on dating websites, social media platforms, or through email and messaging apps, claiming to be deployed overseas or stationed in a different location due to their military service. These scammers employ emotional manipulation and affectionate communication to establish a deep connection with their targets. As the relationship progresses, they may concoct various reasons to request money from their victims, such as emergency leave, travel expenses, or assistance with purchasing items. The “Military” Romance Scam preys on the goodwill and patriotism of individuals, emphasizing the importance of verifying the authenticity of online acquaintances and being cautious of unsolicited financial requests from strangers claiming to be in the military.

Identity Theft

Identity theft in the context of romance scams involves a particularly devious form of deception. In these scams, fraudsters not only engage in the typical emotional manipulation seen in romance scams but also impersonate someone else, often using stolen identities to create a false persona. These scammers may steal personal information, such as photos, names, and even details about the victim’s friends and family, to make their deceit more convincing.

Once they’ve assumed this fake identity, scammers initiate romantic relationships with unsuspecting individuals online. They exploit the victim’s emotions, often claiming to be someone trustworthy and genuine. As the relationship deepens, they may weave complex stories, including fabricated life events, in which their stolen identity plays a central role.

The real harm occurs when these scammers use the stolen identity to request money or engage in other fraudulent activities. Victims, believing they are helping someone they care deeply about, may send money or share personal financial information, unknowingly aiding in the criminal’s unlawful activities.

Identity theft within romance scams underscores the importance of thorough identity verification and caution when forming online relationships. It’s essential to be skeptical of anyone who refuses to share verifiable personal information or pressures you into financial transactions. Protecting one’s personal information and practicing online safety can help prevent falling victim to this emotionally and financially devastating form of identity theft.

Money Muling

Money muling in the context of romance scams is a tactic where individuals are unwittingly used to facilitate the transfer of illicit funds obtained through fraudulent means, often as a part of the scam. In these scenarios, scammers may manipulate their romantic partners into becoming money mules without their knowledge or understanding of the criminal activity involved.

The process typically starts with the scammer creating a deep emotional bond with the victim through a fabricated romantic relationship. Once trust has been established, the scammer may share convincing stories of financial hardship, legal troubles, or urgent financial needs. They then persuade their romantic partner to receive and transfer money on their behalf, making it seem like a gesture of love and support.

Unbeknownst to the victim, the funds being transferred are usually the proceeds of illegal activities, such as online fraud, identity theft, or cybercrime. By involving the victim in money muling, the scammer effectively turns them into an unwitting accomplice in the criminal scheme. This not only exposes the victim to legal consequences but can also lead to significant financial losses when authorities eventually trace the illicit transactions.

To protect against becoming a money mule in the context of romance scams, individuals should exercise caution when an online romantic partner requests assistance with financial transactions, especially if it involves receiving and forwarding money on their behalf. It’s essential to verify the legitimacy of such requests and consider seeking advice from trusted friends or professionals to avoid falling victim to this form of financial exploitation.

Key points

  • Romance scams manifest in diverse forms, as detailed in the common examples mentioned earlier. They are widespread, with scammers frequently focusing their efforts on individuals who use dating apps or websites.
  • Approximately $300 million is believed to be lost annually due to romance scams, with an average of $2,500 per victim.
  • Various types of scams surface frequently, underscoring the importance of remaining vigilant.
  • In 2020, romance scams ranked as the second-highest in terms of internet crime losses.
  • Statistically, women are more prone to falling victim to romance scams than men.
  • Companies like Reclaim LTD assist in recovering funds lost to various types of romance scams by tracing the misappropriated money and confronting the perpetrators.

Scammed and lost money in romance scams?
Here’s what you can do next!

Individuals who have fallen victim to a romance scam often find themselves grappling with heartbreak, vulnerability, and the distressing loss of a significant sum of money. These emotions can create barriers to seeking help and restitution, as victims may experience embarrassment or shame, further complicating their next steps.

At Payback, we understand the challenges faced by victims of romance scams, and we are here to assist. Our dedicated team of experts specializes in recovering funds lost to these scams, employing various strategies to track down the scammers and return the stolen money to its rightful owners.

When you choose our services, you will be assigned a dedicated caseworker who will guide you through the entire process, offering support and keeping you informed along the way. We encourage you to utilize our Success Calculator, explore testimonials, and read reviews to gain insight into the exceptional service we provide when taking on your case.

If you believe your situation is one we can assist with, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us promptly. We are ready to initiate the process of recovering your funds and ensuring that you receive the justice you deserve.

How to avoid romance scams

  • Exercise caution regarding the information you share online, especially content visible to the public. Romance scammers often exploit social media to gain insights into their targets, using the gathered information to their advantage.
  • Exercise caution when interacting with individuals on dating sites who promptly request direct communication outside of the dating platform.

  • Take your time and avoid feeling pressured to meet in person or share personal information until you are comfortable and ready to do so.

  • Conduct research by searching for the person’s image and name online to see if their identity has been used elsewhere on the internet.


Romance scams often involve red flags such as someone professing love very quickly, reluctance to meet in person, and requests for money for various reasons. Be cautious if the person avoids video calls or provides inconsistent information.

While romance scams are prevalent on dating platforms, they can also occur through social media, email, and other online communication channels. Scammers can target individuals through various online avenues, so it’s essential to remain vigilant in all online interactions.

Yes, scammers often use stolen identities or photos to create fake profiles and establish credibility with their victims. They may impersonate someone else to gain trust and manipulate emotions, making it crucial to verify the authenticity of online contacts.

If you suspect someone you know is involved in a romance scam, approach them with care and share your concerns. Encourage them to stop communication with the scammer and report the situation to relevant authorities. Provide emotional support and assist them in safeguarding their personal and financial information.

Raising awareness about romance scams is crucial to prevent others from falling victim. You can educate your friends, family, and community members about the warning signs and common tactics used by scammers. Sharing information through social media, hosting awareness events, or partnering with local organizations can help spread the word and protect potential targets from these scams.

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If you have fallen victim to scammers and lost money, reach out to us immediately, and we will collaborate with you to recover your funds!


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