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Terms & Conditions

1. The purpose of the website

The website ” ” (hereinafter: “the website,) is – money claim ltd’s website. Money claim ltd specializes on advising on returning stolen money through actions to be performed by the customer only. The website owner may change and/or add, areas of practice and/or services at his discretion. The terms of use apply to the website and to any other sub-domain within it.


2. Definitions

The user – any person and/or legal entity that use the website.
The website –
The owner and/or the service provider – money claim ltd.
Terms of use – This document on all its instructions and sections.

3. General

The headings in this document are for convenience only and will not be used to interpret the Agreement. These terms of use include, among other things, instructions regarding privacy and instructions copyright and intellectual property. Please read this document carefully before using the website. The user agrees, in the act of browsing the website, to all the terms of use. If the user does not fully and/or partially agree to the terms of use, he must avoid any use of the website. The user declares that he/she is over the age of 18, and if he/she is under the age of 18, then declares that the use of the website is made with the consent of the person responsible for it as required by law. The terms of use are worded in male form for convenience, but are aimed at both genders. In this document singular also means plural. The terms of use apply to any use of the website, by any means and/or device whatsoever and in any geographic location. This document is protected by copyright law and may not be used without the permission of the website owner.


4. Terms of privacy

The website owner respects the privacy of the users and acts according to all laws. To read the full privacy policy, please go to the privacy policy page.


5. Intellectual property

The intellectual property in the website – including but not limited to – trademarks, copyrights, models and/or designs, logos, databases, texts, images, videos, sound clips, images, trade secrets and/or any other intellectual property , belong to the website owner, and/or to a third party who allowed their use or presentation. This is unless otherwise stated. If you believe there has been a copyright infringement, or infringement of another intellectual property right, please contact us at and we will settle the matter within a reasonable time of receiving the reference. Users undertake to not use the name of the website and/or the software in any way that can mislead, harm the reputation, create plagiarism, or in any other way that can cause any damage to the website, the owner of the website and/or to a third party. The website may include hyperlinks that refer to external websites and/or applications (hereinafter ‘external websites’) that are not owned by the owner of the website and are not under his control. The intellectual property on external websites is owned by a third party and the owner of the website has no right in them. The embedment of the links in the website do not allow, or approve any action in relation to intellectual property assets on the external sites. If you found the external websites to be offensive or violating the law, please let the website owner know as soon as possible at In addition, advertisements may appear in the website originating from companies and/or businesses that are not owned and/or under the responsibility of the owner of the website. The owner of the website has no responsibility regarding the content of these advertisements. If you come across an offensive ad and/or an ad that violates the law, please contact the owner of the website at Users undertake to not make any use of the works that appears in the website, without obtaining permission in advance. This document is protected by copyright law and may not be used without the permission of the website owner.


6. Use of the website general

The user can make certain uses of the website, in a limited way, for free and at no cost. The owner of the website may at any time, at his discretion, change the methods and scope of use and/or registration to the website, including the free and/or paid access options.


7. Limitation of Liability

● The website owner and/or anyone on his behalf is not responsible for any damage, monetary and/or other, that may be caused to the user as a result of using the website.
● Each user of the website does so at his own risk, and must take the necessary care under the circumstances.
● The website owner may publish articles, opinions, reviews, etc. in the website from time to time. (hereinafter “Publications”). Errors and/or inaccuracies may occur, and/or a situation where the content of the publication will not be current. The owner of the website will not be held responsible for any damage that may be caused to the user due to reliance on what is stated in the publications, and will not be liable to the user for such reliance.
● If a user of the website finds content offensive, harmful, and/or such that may cause any damage, please contact the owner of the website with a request to remove the content in this link The website owner will examine the request and consider the removal of the contents at his discretion.
● The website is stored on a server which is secured by an external company. The website owner is not responsible for any damage caused as a result of external hacking – among other things – due to the distribution/sale of information as a result of hacking, disruption of information, infringement of copyright or other intellectual property, or any other damage caused as a result of tampering with the website and its contents.
● The website owner is not responsible for the content of external ads (images/links) that may appear/be integrated into the website, or for the content/information that appears on the websites to which the links lead. The website owner is not responsible for checking and/or supervising the content on the websites to which the links refer.
● If you come across an offensive ad and/or link that refers to an external website, please notify the website owner at the link This document is protected by copyright law and may not be used without the permission of the website owner.
● The content and/or publications on the website is not a substitute for financial advice and/or other professional advice, and should not be relied upon as such. Those who rely on them, do so at their own risk.


8. Availability of the website

● The website owner does his best to ensure that it operates properly and continuously. Nevertheless, there is no commitment that it will work at all times. There may be
disruptions in availability/viewing/browsing, which may be due, among other things, to updates and/or infrastructure works, and/or malfunctions in the user’s personal device, and/or because of his Internet provider, an external server, or due to malfunctions in his browsing infrastructure. There may also be malfunctions resulting from the website storage service, such as hacking or other factors. The website owner will try to notify in advance of planned interruptions in use, but is not obligated to do so.
● The website owner reserves the right, at his discretion, to stop and/or change the mode of operation of the website, and/or to change these terms of use. The website owner will not be liable to any third party for any monetary or other damage, which may be caused to him as a result of stopping the operation of the website and/or changing the way it is operated.
● Also, part of the website activity is based on external-third party platforms, and there is no commitment that it will work at all times, and therefore certain applications/services in the website may be damaged as a result of the activity of the external platforms.
● The website owner reserves, at his discretion, the right to prevent and/or limit any user from using the website without any notice. Restriction and/or prevention of use will be taken against any user who violates one and/or more of the provisions of the terms of use. The website owner will not be responsible for any damage, monetary or other, which may be caused to the user as a result of limiting and/or preventing his ability to use the website.
● It is the sole responsibility of the user to ensure that the device he owns and its operating system are appropriate and suitable for running the website.


9. Contacting and availability of the website owner

You can contact the owner of the website in the following ways:
This document is protected by copyright law and may not be used without the permission of the website owner The website owner will make an effort to respond to inquiries no later than 5 business days from the date of receipt of the inquiry.


10. prohibited uses

● User shall not perform any action directly or by a third party, which may damage the website, and/or its browsing availability, and/or the content presented in it, and/or disrupt its operation. User undertakes to not use software code and/or any other electronic/digital and/or automatic operation, including – a virus and/or a ‘worm’ and/or a ‘bot’ for the purpose of damaging the website.
● User undertakes to not perform any action in the website that has the purpose of reverse assembly, and/or action that aims to reveal the website code and/or other components therein. User undertake to not perform actions in the website designed to discover the source code for the purpose of competing in the website activity.
● User undertakes to not perform in the website any operation aimed at collecting and/or extracting data from the website, with the exception of operations that are normal and acceptable use of the website.
● The website is intended for non-commercial use only. The user and/or third party must not perform any action that is intended to use the content of the website for a commercial purpose and/or any other purpose. In this section “content of the website” – text content, images, designs, graphics, video clips and/or sound and/or personal details of the users, statistical information about the users’ activity, software code.
● The user undertakes not to make any use that is illegal, and/or that is contrary to the terms of use of the website.
● Without derogating from the aforementioned in the other sections of the terms of use, the website owner reserves the right to block a user and/or limit his access immediately, to one and/or more of the services of the website, in the event that the user has violated one and/or more of the provisions of these terms of use.


11. User responsibility
The user alone is responsible for any damage caused as a result of a violation of the terms of use, and he will indemnify the website owner for any financial or other damage caused as a result of a violation of the terms of use, including legal and/or other expenses that will be related to the violation of the terms of use.


12. updates and changes

● The website owner reserves the right to update and/or change from time to time and as necessary the website terms of use.
● The validity of the changes will be from the day the change was made. This document is protected by copyright law and may not be used without the permission of the website owner.


13. Jurisdiction
The law applicable to any dispute regarding these terms of use shall be Israeli law and the
exclusive jurisdiction in all matters relating to these terms of use shall be to a court having
jurisdiction in Jerusalem, Israel.


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