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Binary options scams:

Reclaim what's yours

Numerous deceitful binary options brokers emerge annually, and our objective is to take a stand against them. If you’ve fallen victim to a fraudulent broker, please reach out to us promptly. The quicker we address the issue, the sooner we can work towards recovering your funds.

Money back guaranteed

The process of recovering funds can be lengthy and demands patience. Hence, it’s crucial that our clients are prepared for it and have confidence in our guidance throughout. If, for any reason, you have doubts, you have the option to request a full refund within the initial 7 business days of the process.

What are binary options?

Binary options are a financial derivative where traders bet on the price direction of assets like stocks or currencies within a predetermined time frame. It’s called “binary” because there are only two possible outcomes: a fixed profit if the trader’s prediction is correct or a loss if it’s wrong. Traders choose an asset, predict whether its price will rise (call) or fall (put), and set an expiration time. If their prediction is right at expiration, they get a fixed payout; if wrong, they lose their initial investment. Binary options are known for their simplicity and predefined risk-reward structure, but they have faced criticism and regulatory scrutiny for their high-risk nature and potential for abuse.

Common binary option types

These are some common types of binary options:

  • High/Low Options: These are the most basic binary options, where traders predict whether the price of an underlying asset will be higher (call) or lower (put) than the current price at expiration.
  • One Touch Options: In this type of binary option, traders speculate whether the price of the asset will touch a specific price level before the option’s expiration time. If it touches the designated level, the trader receives a payout.

  • No Touch Options: These are the opposite of one touch options. Traders bet that the price of the asset will not touch a predetermined price level before expiration to earn a payout.
  • Range Options (In/Out or Boundary Options): Range options involve predicting whether the price of the asset will stay within a specified price range (in) or move outside of it (out) at expiration.
  • 60-Second Options: These are ultra-short-term binary options with a very brief expiration period, often just 60 seconds. Traders must predict the price direction within this short time frame.
  • Pairs Trading: In this type of binary option, traders compare the performance of two different assets and predict which one will outperform the other by expiration. Pairs can include stocks, commodities, or currencies.

  • Call/Put Spread Options: These options involve predicting not only the price direction but also the price range within which the asset will settle at expiration. Traders choose a range for potential outcomes.

Key points

  • Binary options constitute a highly unstable and dubious realm of speculative trading, characterized by significant fluctuations. In the last three years, both the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) have imposed bans on binary options trading.
  • There is a scarcity of binary options brokers that operate under regulation, which elevates the risk associated with your invested capital.
  • Organizations such as Reclaim specialize in assisting victims of binary options fraud in the process of recovering their lost funds.
  • It’s important to conduct your own thorough research and due diligence on each binary options trading platform, including seeking out reviews from different users.
  • Never invest an amount that exceeds what you can comfortably afford to lose.

Binary options: scam or legit?

The legitimacy of binary options as a source of income is a matter of controversy. While they offer a straightforward way to speculate on financial markets, they come with significant risks. Some traders have profited, but the fixed payout structure means potential for complete loss. The binary options industry has also been marred by scams and fraudulent brokers. Several countries have banned or restricted binary options due to these concerns. In essence, binary options can yield income, but they are risky, and caution, research, and awareness of potential scams are essential for anyone considering them as an investment option. Many financial experts recommend exploring alternative, less risky investment strategies.

The diffrent types of binary options scams

Robot Scams:

Binary options robot scams involve the use of automated trading software that claims to make profitable trades on behalf of the trader. These robots are often promoted as being able to generate consistent and substantial profits with minimal effort. However, many of these robots are fraudulent and may not perform as promised. Some scams involve software that manipulates market data or generates fake results to make it appear as if the robot is highly successful. Traders should exercise extreme caution when considering the use of binary options robots and thoroughly research the software and the company behind it.

Software Scams:

Binary options software scams are similar to robot scams but may not necessarily involve automated trading. Instead, these scams often sell software or trading systems that claim to provide traders with a secret formula or strategy for guaranteed profits. Such software is typically expensive and offers little to no value. Traders should be skeptical of any software that promises guaranteed profits in binary options, as there is no such thing as a foolproof trading system.

Trading Scams:

Binary options trading scams can take various forms, but they typically involve fraudulent brokers or platforms. These scams may manipulate prices, refuse to process withdrawals, or engage in unethical practices to ensure that traders lose their investments. To avoid falling victim to trading scams, it is crucial to only trade with reputable and regulated brokers and to research any broker thoroughly before opening an account.

Signal Scams:

Binary options signal scams target traders who rely on trading signals to make their trading decisions. Scammers may offer signal services that claim to provide accurate and profitable trading recommendations. However, many of these services are fraudulent and provide misleading signals designed to generate losses for traders. To avoid signal scams, traders should be cautious when selecting a signal provider and verify the provider’s track record and reputation.

Scammed and lost money in Binary Options?
Here’s what you can do next!

If you’ve unfortunately fallen victim to a binary options scam, it might seem like there’s no option but to accept the loss and move forward. However, it’s crucial not to let these fraudulent individuals escape accountability for stealing your money. There are effective avenues for pursuing those who have taken your funds, and Reclaim specializes in recovering assets from wrongdoers like binary options scammers.

We employ various successful methods, including chargebacks, where we collaborate with you and your credit card company to file a legitimate and substantiated report of fraud. Reclaim ensures close cooperation with you throughout the process, with the same dedicated caseworker guiding you every step of the way.

How to avoid Binary Options trading scams

  • Research Broker Reputation: Conduct thorough research on the reputation of the binary options broker you’re considering. Look for reviews, feedback, and testimonials from other traders. Choose brokers with a positive track record and regulated status.
  • Check Regulatory Status: Verify if the broker is regulated by a recognized financial authority in your region. Regulatory oversight helps ensure that the broker adheres to industry standards and safeguards the interests of traders.

  • Avoid Promises of Guaranteed Profits: Be highly cautious of brokers or platforms that make unrealistic promises of guaranteed profits or “risk-free” trading. Such claims are often a clear indication of potential scams.

  • Educate Yourself: Take the time to educate yourself about binary options, including their inherent risks and potential rewards. A well-informed trader is better equipped to recognize and avoid scams.


To start trading binary options, you’ll typically need to choose a reputable broker, create an account, deposit funds, select an asset to trade, and predict its price movement. It’s essential to understand the risks involved and develop a trading strategy.

Binary options offer simplicity and potential for quick returns. They have fixed payouts and defined risk, making it easier for traders to manage their investments and profits.

Regulations regarding binary options vary by country. Some countries have strict regulations, while others have minimal oversight. It’s crucial to choose a broker in a jurisdiction with robust regulatory oversight to protect your interests.

No, not all binary options brokers are scams. Many reputable brokers operate in regulated markets, providing legitimate trading opportunities. It’s crucial to distinguish between trustworthy and fraudulent brokers.

Recovery of funds from binary options scams can be challenging but not impossible. Some recovery services such as Reclaim specialize in helping victims retrieve their lost investments. It’s essential to act promptly and seek professional advice.


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Let us help you!

If you have fallen victim to scammers and lost money, reach out to us immediately, and we will collaborate with you to recover your funds!


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